Thursday, July 26, 2012

Skippy Says: 38 Weeks (Pregnancy Journal)

38 Weeks

Dear baby girl,

We are all moved into our new place. Your nursery is set up, my spices are alphabetized and put away, and your clothes are washed and organized. I am officially ready for you to come.

A lot of people talk about how they feel exhausted during pregnancy, especially towards the end, and I consider myself very lucky to have been spared from this fate. I'm not sure whether I actually have the same amount of energy that I used to, or whether it's my utter inability to sit still and not be doing something productive at all times, but overall I've continued with my days per usual-- going to the gym, walking Ryder, grocery shopping, cooking, etc. The first time I truly felt totally wiped out was the first four loooong days of moving and unpacking. And by looooong  I mean working from 6:00 am- 1:00 am and sleeping for just five hours, only to get up and do it all over again. And again. And then for a fourth time. But I wanted to badly to get it all done. You know, because of all the crazy in my head. I'm sure despite my best efforts you'll inherit some of it and understand exactly what it is I'm talking about. Just like you'll understand why it took every ounce of strength I had not to chop your uncle's hand off when he lifted a book I had oh-so-carefully arranged on your bookshelf at precisely the right angle and proceeded to put it back wrong. But I digress.

We are moved in. We have hot water. I have finally been able to nest, and it's been glorious. Aside from getting all of your things set up and ready, I've been cooking my little heart off in our amazing new kitchen. I made two different soups which I froze to defrost and eat after your arrival. And marinated tofu. And chow mein. And cookies. Plus some salads. Oh, and mini frittatas baked in a cupcake pan for a portable breakfast for daddy to take to work. Yeah. They're as cute as they sound. I thought they were kinda too cute to even eat, but daddy didn't agree.

This whole pregnancy, people have been asking whether I'm excited to meet you. And as the date gets closer and closer, I've been getting that question more and more. I've always answered, honestly, that yes, of course, I'm excited. But that yes was always accompanied by a reservation, a nervousness, a sense of not being ready. Because, you know, we were still living in your uncle's tiny apartment that he graciously offered to let us stay in while our house was being constructed. For the first time since getting pregnant, I now feel nothing but pure joy and excitement at the thought of you coming. And it feels so good. Daddy's been ready this whole time, but now I finally am too. As is Ryder-- your furry big bro spend the morning licking my belly as I sat on the couch reading childbirth stories, trying to will you to come out. Here's hoping you'll soon feel ready to meet all of us too.




  1. Um, I'm walking to get the baby engaged and that's about it. Oh and yesterday I had enough energy to vacuum the stairs and entryway, and then declared to Matt that I had none left to make dinner, so we went out.

    Damn, I'm happy you have energy and all, but I wish you lived closer so you could come make some tofu and frittatas for ME! ;)

  2. Sounds like the nest is ready for baby. :) And yes, arranging books attractively on a shelf is an art. :)

  3. Beautiful post! I met my baby girl six weeks ago and words cannot express how amazing that day was!


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